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    Title:The One Man Olympics
    Director:Yong Hou
    Starring:Zhaolin Li, Liang Shi
    Introduction:First Olympic athlete

    Title:We Are Family
    Director:Wai-Hang Lau
    Starring:Eric Tsang, Niu Tien, Carlos Chan, Catherine Chau
    Introduction:The power of kinship

    Title:Pegasus 2
    Director:Han Han
    Starring:Teng Shen, Chengcheng Fan, Zheng Yin
    Introduction:Bayanbulak Racing

    Title:The Tai-Chi Master
    Director:Woo-ping Yuen
    Starring:Jet Li, Michelle Yeoh, Siu-hou Chin, Fennie Yuen, Cheung-Yan Yuen
    Introduction:The same brothers turned against each other.

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Depending on flight times and routes, the choice of movies may vary and the available movies may be played in different orders. This introduction is for reference only.
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