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Special Meal Customer Service:95583
Healthy meals
Bland meal (BLML) This meal includes low fat and low fiber foods. It does not include fried foods, black pepper, strong vegetables and condiments, mustard, pickles, garlic, nuts, and drinks containing caffeine or alcohol. Suitable for passengers with gastrointestinal issues or mild dietary requirements.
Low-sugar meals (DBML) Dishes contain low-sugar foods suitable for diabetics and passengers on a low-sugar diet.
Fruit platter meal (FPML) This meal is solely comprise of fruits, including fresh fruit, fruit compote and fruit desserts.
Gluten intolerant meal (GFML) This meal is prepared for passengers who are allergic or intolerant to gluten (Gluten is a protein contained in wheat, barley, oats and rye). Breads, sauces, custards, cakes, chocolates, crackers, cereals and related products are strictly excluded.
Low calorie meal (LCML) This meal contains lean meat, low-fat dairy products and high-fiber foods. Sugars, creams, sauces, mayonnaise and fatty foods are excluded.
Low fat meal (LFML) This meal is intended for passengers who need to reduce their fat intake. It does not contain fried foods, fatty meats, dairy products, processed foods, gravy, offal, shellfish, egg yolks or baked goods.
Low salt meal (LSML) This meal contains low levels of sodium. Suitable for passengers with hypertension, anuria, kidney disease and low-sodium diets, and nephropathy. It does not contain or include salt, garlic salt, glutamine, soda, pickles, canned meat and fish, creams, cheeses, shellfish, mashed potatoes, gravy, chicken powder, bread, and canned vegetables.
Low lactose meal (NLML) No lactose, dairy or related products (including cheese, dairy, yogurt, butter, artificial meat products, cake, cookies, cream desserts, pudding, mashed potatoes, toffee and chocolate) are used to prepare this meal.
Vegetarian raw meal (RVML) This meal only includes raw fruits and vegetables and does not contain any animal protein.
Seafood meal (SFML) This meal is specially designed for passengers who enjoy seafood, and includes one or more kinds of seafood. It does not contain any meat products.
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