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Notes for taking flights with the epidemic of novel coronavirus pneumonia

Notes for taking flights with the epidemic of novel coronavirus pneumonia
Dear passengers,

In order to implement effective prevention and control of the pneumonia epidemic caused by the novel coronavirus and guarantee the health of passengers, those with travel needs are suggested to pay attention to the following notes for taking flights to strengthen personal protection and ensure smooth travel.

I. Properly schedule travels. At present, airports around the world have taken prevent and control measures, such as measuring body temperature, filling in health declaration form, applying for health code, etc. Please arrange your arrival time reasonably and allow sufficient time for the implementation of the prevention and control measures.

II. Wear masks. Whether you are at the airport or in the cabin, please wear masks for the health of you and others.

III. Cooperate for temperature measurement. Please cooperate with the relevant departments of the airport and airlines to accept temperature measurement actively.

IV. Fill in your personal information truthfully. If you are taking an international and regional incoming flight, in accordance with the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the people's Republic of China and other laws and regulations as well as the requirements of relevant departments, in order to comprehensively strengthen the entry inspection and quarantine, please complete the the PRC Health Declaration Form for Inbound and Outbound Travelers on the airplane, and ensure that the contents filled in are true and correct, so as to guarantee the health and safety of you and other passengers. In case of false declaration, you may be subject to administrative and criminal penalties according to the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China. If you have caused losses to airlines and others, you should bear corresponding legal liabilities according to the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.

Air China will pay close attention to the epidemic dynamics, adjust relevant boarding policies according to national policies and the needs of passengers, and provide safe and reassuring services for passengers.

Thank you for your support and understanding!

                                   Air China Limited

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