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Appendix III: Preventing Abuse of Air China Online Check-in

Appendix III: Preventing Abuse of Air China Online Check-in

Dear passengers,

We recently discovered that third-party platforms have been providing online check-in and seat selection services for passengers without permission from Air China. This poses a threat to passenger safety and privacy. Air China takes a zero-tolerance policy against threats to passenger safety. To ensure a smooth and safe passenger experience at airport security, airport lounges and boarding gates, we recommend that you only use official Air China channels (including the official website, Air China app and Air China WeChat account) and Air China-approved check-in counters to complete check-in and seat selection. Air China is currently revoking access to third parties and reserves the right to take legal action against third parties that cause disruption to the normal and safe operation of Air China services.

For more information, please use the URL and QR codes below:

Official Air China website:

Download the Air China app:

 Appendix III: Preventing Abuse of Air China Online Check-in

Follow the official Air China WeChat account:

Appendix III: Preventing Abuse of Air China Online Check-in 

We wish you a pleasant journey!


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