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Notice on Change of Bus Station from Hangzhou to Pudong Airport under the Ground-Air Transport Product

Notice on Change of Bus Station from Hangzhou to Pudong Airport under the Ground-Air Transport Product

Dear passengers:

The Yellow Dragon Sports Center is due to be renovated for the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games, and following approval from the Hangzhou Road Transportation Administration, the Hangzhou Tourist Center Bus Terminal will be closed on June 20, 2019.

From June 21, 2019, passengers who have booked Air China's ground-air transport products from Hangzhou to Pudong are requested to proceed to Pudong Airport Bus Ticket Sales Point, Hangzhou Wulinmen Civil Aviation Ticket Office (No. 392, Tiyuchang Road, Xiacheng District, Hangzhou) to collect their tickets and board the airport bus.


Wulinmen bus departure schedule:

6:10  7:00  8:00  9:00  10:00  11:00  12:00    13:00  14:00  15:00  15:50  16:30  17:30

Schedule of buses from Shanghai Pudong International Airport to Hangzhou remain unchanged.

Tel.: 0571-28928567

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