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Child and Family

Request for UM services

To ensure we can provide safe and thoughtful UM services for your child, you can head to any of Air China’s specified ticketing offices for the necessary formalities in advance as required. You can request UM services at the time of flight booking.
For round-trip ticket, you can apply for UM services on the return journey at Air China’s specified ticketing office of the city where the first segment of the flight departs.

Time of request
For domestic flights, the request must be made before 15:00 o’clock one day before flight departure.
For international and regional flights, the request must be made 48 hours before flight departure.

Limit on the number of unaccompanied minors
As the carrier is responsible for the safety and care of unaccompanied minors, there’s a limit on the number of unaccompanied minors on each flight. On each of Air China’s flights, at most five unaccompanied minors between the ages of 5 and 8 can be carried. There are no restrictions on the number of unaccompanied minors aged above 8 to be carried.

Contract information of child's parents or guardian
When you request UM service, you are requested to fill in the “Request for UM Service”.
An unaccompanied child should be escorted by his/her parents or guardian to the airport of flight departure, and a friend/relative should greet him/her at the airport of arrival. To ensure that we can safely and smoothly hand over your child to the person who comes to meet and pick up your child at the airport of arrival, you are requested to provide the names, the relationships with the child, the ID numbers, addresses and telephone numbers of the person who sees off the child at the airport of departure and the person who greets the child at the airport of arrival.
If the journey involves a connecting flight in Beijing and the whole journey is carried by Air China and carries the code “CA”, it’s likely that your child will have to stop over at night at the transfer airport. If you have a relative or friend in the city of transfer, you are requested to provide the name, the relationship with the child, the ID number, address and telephone number of the person, so that we can reach the person in case of flight disruptions at the airport of transfer.
If, in the city of transfer, you don’t have a relative or friend and thus you want us to take care of your child or employ someone else to do so, you should make the request in advance, and acceptance of your child for carriage is subject to our approval.

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