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Health Travelling
Home > Information Inquiry > Travel Preparation > Health Travelling
If you maintain the same posture for long during a flight, you’ll feel uncomfortable. We recommend that you exercise your legs a bit in your seat from time to time to help relax your muscles. Air pressure changes may cause some discomfort during a flight, and most symptoms will disappear after landing. But if you have an emergency situation, please contact immediately our flight attendants.
Altitude Flatulence

Symptoms include bloated stomach and abdominal pain.


When air pressure changes, gas in organs such as gastrointestinal tracts, lung, middle ear cavity and paranasal sinuses cannot be discharged in a timely manner and thus dilates these organs, causing slight pain.


If you have clear symptoms, you can walk around to help discharge the gas and relieve the pain.
Avoid eating anything one hour before takeoff. Don’t eat too fast, otherwise too much air could end up in your stomach. Before travel, avoid foods with high content of fat that are not easy to digest, carbonated drinks, gas-producing vegetables and soy products and spicy foods that could lead to constipation. Fiber foods are highly recommended.

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