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Disabled passengers
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Wheelchair passengers


On the flights operated by Air China, we can provide wheelchair ramp, wheelchair steps and wheelchair cabin services for disabled passengers and injured passengers with mobility disorders. Please select the appropriate wheelchair services according to the physical conditions of passengers.

I. Wheelchair ramp

We can provide wheelchair ramp service for passengers who are able to get on and off the plane by themselves and can walk to their seats in the cabin, and who only need to use a wheelchair to travel between the terminal, the tarmac and the aircraft. These passengers include elderly passengers aged 65 or over on the day of the scheduled departure, disabled passengers, as well as injured or ill passengers suffering from reduced mobility or leg injuries.

II. Wheelchair steps

We provide wheelchair steps service for disabled passengers and injured passengers who can not get on or off the plane by themselves but can walk to their seats in the cabin.

III. Wheelchair cabin

On the flights operated by Air China departing or arriving from Chengdu, Hangzhou, Tianjin, Chongqing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Dalian, Hohhot, Urumqi and Beijing Capital International Airport, we provide wheelchair cabin services for disabled passengers and injured and sick passengers without independent mobility, and assist passengers to move in or out of the seats and to and from the toilet.

In order to meet the requirements of the Civil Aviation Administration of China for flight operation safety, we impose restrictions on the number of wheelchair passengers on board carried on each type of aircraft for independent travel. Please contact us to book this service as soon as possible after you confirm your travel plan, so as to prevent you from being unable to travel on schedule due to exceeding the carrying capacity after you arrive at the airport.


Service reservation

If you need to book the wheelchair ramp service, please make a reservation through Air China official website, Air China APP, Air China hotline, Air China ticket office and sales agent within the following time limits.

(1) Domestic routes: before 16:00 on the day before departure.

(2) International and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, China routes: 48 hours before the scheduled flight departure time

If you need to book the wheelchair steps service, please make a reservation through the official website of Air China, the Air China APP, the Air China hotline, the direct ticket office of Air China and the sales agent before 16:00 the day before the flight takes off.

If you need to book wheelchair cabin service, please make a reservation through the Air China APP, the ticket office directly under Air China and the authorized sales agent before 16:00 the day before the flight takes off.

Check in

(1) Time limit for check-in: passengers who reserve wheelchair service should arrive at the check-in counter at least 90 minutes before the estimated departure time of the flight to check in.

(2) Checked baggage and non-checked baggage: For the transportation regulations of small auxiliary equipment used in the journey carried by disabled passengers or injured and sick passengers, please refer to the passengers with auxiliary equipment .

(3) Seating arrangement: we will arrange the passengers who apply for wheelchair service at the position close to the emergency evacuation hatch and the steward or toilet. However, for the sake of cabin safety, we cannot arrange emergency exit seats and Boeing B747 upper cabin seats for passengers who apply for wheelchair service.

(4) Terminal services: unless otherwise required by the local government or health authorities, we will provide wheelchairs and wheelchair pushing services for passengers applying for wheelchair services, and assist in check-in, baggage check/claim and joint inspection procedures. Each wheelchair is limited to one person.

In-flight service

We will provide service support as much as possible in the cabin for passengers who apply for wheelchair service when traveling alone.

However, we are unable to provide the following services: assistance in eating, assistance in the toilet, assistance in excretory function on the passenger's seat, or medical services.

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