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home > Information Inquiry > Visa information

  > UAE

UAE is an Islamic country, and Muslims are prohibited to eat pork and drink alcohol. Foreigners can buy alcohol at specified hotels. Every Muslim say prayers five times a day in office, at home or in flight. Saying prayers is a very serious thing to do, and when a Muslim says prayers, don’t talk to him or her. In the holy month of Ramadan, after sunrise and before sunset, it’s forbidden to drink water, smoke and eat on the street.

The Arabs think the left hand is not clean, so you should use your right hand to receive and give things. Of course, bulky items can be presented with both hands.

In big events, men and women do not mingle. Arabian women generally do not shake hands with men, and men just smile and nod to women. Don’t appear too warm to women. If a woman puts out her hand at first, you can shake hands with her. At an event, men and women can talk. Never take a photo of a women wearing a black robe.


* The above information is for reference only. For more, contact the embassy.

* For more information on visa, head to the Star Alliance website.

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