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home > Information Inquiry > Visa information

  > Germany

German embassy and consulates in China have outsourced the reception of applications for Schengen visas to third-party suppliers. Outsourcing started from mid-October 2012.

For more on the new approach and how it is used in the embassy or consulate close to you, head to:


Appointment for Visa

If you want to apply for a visa of a country, or submit the application for a Schengen visa to an embassy or a consulate, you must make an appointment with the embassy or consulate in question about your application being processed. German embassy and consulates in China have specific consular regions. You can visit the embassy website to learn about which consular region you belong to.


Materials to be submitted for visa application

Schengen visa holders can stay in Schengen states for up to 90 days every six months. The visa validity period is always the maximum length of stay allowed. Holders of tourist passport must make an appointment before physically going to the consular office to submit the materials for vsia application.

* Travel passport signed by the applicant himself/herself (at the time of visa application, the passport must be valid for at least another 3 months after the visa's validity period expires), and the photocopy of the photo page of the passport

* An application form fully completed and signed by the applicant himself/herself

* 2 recent passport photos (white background)

* Visa fee

* The original copy and one photocopy of the medical insurance certificate that's valid to all Schengen countries and valid for the entire period of stay in the Schengen countries (see Health Insurance Information)

* The original copy of Hukou certificate and the photocopies of all the Hukou information pages (applicable only to Chinese citizens)

* For other application materials required according to the different purposes of stay, visit the website of the embassy.


Schengen Visa Application Fee

Airport transit visa and Schengen visa (no restrictions on the validity period): 60 EUR

Children aged 6-12: 35 EUR

Children under 6: Free


* The above information is for reference only. For more, contact the embassy.

* For more information on visa, head to the Star Alliance website.

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