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  > Spain

“Ladies First” is a prized principle, which is reflected everywhere from elevator and bus to meal table. In the formal social occasions, Spaniards usually shake hands with guests. Good friends, relatives, lovers and old acquaintances hug and cheek-kiss each other. In the case of cheek-kissing, the right cheek comes before the left.

Spaniards use napkin at meals. Only after the host unfolds his/her napkin can others follow suit. The napkin can be placed on legs, table or chest. Spaniards use knife and fork. Fork is placed to the left side of the plate while knife to the right. Start from the outermost ones. After finishing a dish, put the knife and fork together on the right side of the plate, which means you have finished.


* The above information is for reference only. For more, contact the embassy.

* For more information on visa, head to the Star Alliance website.

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