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  > Singapore

Major festivals:

Chinese New Year: Spring Festival of China

Eid al-fitr: Celebrating the appearance of the new moon in October of Islamic calendar

Tamil New Year: falling between April and May

Vesak: falling on a full moon Uposatha day in May

National Day: August 9

Christmas: December 25


Customs: Singapore is a city state of ethnic diversity but its population is predominantly of Chinese ancestry. The Chinese, Malays, Indians and other ethnic groups have different customs but live in peaceful harmony with each other. The Chinese mostly believe in Buddhism and Taoism, espousing traditional Chinese moral values and celebrating such traditional Chinese festivals as the Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival. Malays are mostly Muslims. They don’t eat pork, don’t drink alcoholic beverages and use right hand in social situations. Child's head is considered sacred, so don’t touch his/her head.

Social etiquette: In social situations, Singaporeans shake hands. Handshaking is appropriate between men and women. Malays first use both hands for contact, and then withdraw their hands and press them to their chest.

English is spoken in business situations, but Chinese is also spoken in ordinary situations. Simplified Chinese is used. Chinese is the mother language of the Singaporean citizens of Chinese ancestry. English is Singapore's official language used in official letters, legal documents and business correspondence.

It’s forbidden by law to eat chewing gum and eat anything in subway cars. Singapore has strict regulations on smoking places – smoking is forbidden in many public places and hotels.


* The above information is for reference only. For more, contact the embassy.

* For more information on visa, head to the Star Alliance website.

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