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home > Information Inquiry > Visa information

  > Italy

For a short tour in Italy, visitors must apply for a short-term tourist visa. The following documents are required:

1. Passport: A private passport valid for 6 months or more

2. ID photos: Four recent photos (taken within the last 6 months), against white background, measuring 3.5 cm X4.5 cm

3. ID: A photocopy of both sides of the applicant's ID card on a piece of A4 paper

4. Hukou Booklet: Original copy and photocopy of family's Hukou Booklet; married applicant must provide the photocopy of the marriage certificate.

5. Certificates of assets: Applicant must provide proof of his/her personal bank deposit. The bank deposit certificate must be issued in the required standard format of the bank, accompanied by a copy of correct English translation. The validity period of the bank deposit certificate must freeze until 3 months after the applicant returns to China. The original copy of the bank deposit certificate must be submitted to the embassy of Italy in China and will not be returned by the embassy. The bank deposit will de-freeze automatically when the validity period of the bank deposit certificate expires. The applicant must provide a record of personal financial transactions of the last 6 months or above (including salary information). The record of financial transactions must include the month when the visa application is submitted. Proof of other assets also includes photocopies of real estate or car as well as equity certificate that prove the applicant??s economic ability.

6. Employment certificate: The certificate must include applicant's name, date of birth, passport number, occupation, income, the starting date of employment, the start and end date of travel, and a guarantee that the applicant will return to his/her home country on time; employer's name, address, fax, and telephone number; responsible person's name and title; start and end date of labor contract. The employment certificate must be printed on a piece of the employer??s letterhead paper and written in English and stamped with the corporate seal.

7. Business license or organization code certificate: If applicant's employer is a company, a photocopy of the company's business license should be provided on a piece of A4 paper and stamped with the corporate seal. The business license must show the record of annual inspection. If applicant's employer is an institution, a photocopy of the organization code certificate should be provided on a piece of A4 paper and stamped with the corporate seal. The organization code certificate must show the record of annual inspection.


* The above information is for reference only. For more, contact the embassy.

* For more information on visa, head to the Star Alliance website.

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