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How many insurance policies can each passenger buy for each flight through 95583?
The insurance covers 600,000 RMB Aviation Accident Liability and 60,000 RMB Aviation Accident Medical Liability. The premium is 20 RMB.
What coverage is provided by the air travel insurance offered by 95583 and what does it cost?
The coverage is 600,000 RMB. Each policy costs 20 Yuan.
If I keep the passenger ticket, can I request a refund for the air travel insurance policy I purchased through 95583?
Yes, a separate refund application for air travel insurance can be made any time prior to flight departure.
If I request a refund of the return portion of a round trip ticket, can I also get a refund of the air travel insurance I purchased with the ticket through 95583?
No. you can request a refund of the return trip ticket price but the insurance premium can not be refunded
Can I buy air travel insurance by telephone or through the website?
Yes,you can buy air travel insurance at the time of booking for your flight by telephone or through the website, but you have to proceed to the airport to buy air travel insurance if your ticket has been issued.

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