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home > Information & Services > Visa information

  > Pakistan

China and Pakistan have signed a mutual visa waiver agreement. Chinese nationals who hold diplomatic passport and business affairs passport can stay for 30 days in Pakistan without a visa.

China and Pakistan have also signed a mutual visa fee exemption agreement. Holders of ordinary passports are exempted from visa fee when applying for a visa on the other side. Holders of ordinary passports who apply for a business type visa should provide the invitation letter from the Pakistani organization (company) in question and the invitation letter must be stamped with the seal of an industry and commercial association at the city level of the Pakistan. VFRs (visit friends and relatives) and tourists applying for a visa must provide the letter of economic guarantee from the friend or relative and a valid passport to the Pakistani embassy or consulates.

The types of visa that Pakistan usually issues for foreign visitors include tourist visa and business visa. Landing visa is not issued.


* The above information is for reference only. For more, contact the embassy.

* For more information on visa, head to the Star Alliance website.

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