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  > Pakistan

Pakistan is an Islamic country. Foreigners must respect the Islamic customs. As visitors, ladies should not be clad scantily or wear short skirts; on streets, women should be accompanied by men. As visitors, men should avoid coming into physical contact with women. Don’t stare at masked women. Men should not enter women’s bedroom. A man should not shake hands with a women first, but if a woman extends her hand first, the man can shake hands with her. If you want to have a picture taken with a Pakistani, especially a woman, you must obtain the consent of the other. Don't speak loudly in a mosque. As alchohol is prohibited in Islamic countries, don’t drink alchohol in public places. Pictures and foods related to pig are a taboo. For example, in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, people eat and drink in daytime. When smoking, steer clear of the crowd.

The people of Pakistan are dressed conservatively. Men are usually dressed in traditional robes, but on formal occasions, they wear suits too. Women wear typical Pakistani robes and masks. Women above 12 years old wear headscarves when going out. In public places, local men and women refrain from wearing short sleeved shirts or shorts, but that’s not a requirement for foreigners. The main religious activities are the annual Hajj, saying Muslim prayers five times a day and the annual "Koran" recitation contest. Orthodox Muslims strictly refrain from drinking alcohol. Visitors should not take any alcohol and alcoholic drinks and pork products.


* The above information is for reference only. For more, contact the embassy.

* For more information on visa, head to the Star Alliance website.

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