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5.1 The AWB consists of three originals and nine copies. Original 1 is for the Issuing Carrier, Original 2 is for the Consignee and Original 3 is for the Shipper. The three originals shall be with equal legal effect.

5.2 The AWB is non-negotiable. The negotiable AWB shall be of no effect.

5.3 The AWB shall be completed and tendered with the Cargo by the Shipper or its Agent. When We complete the AWB based on the Shipper’s Letter of Instruction provided by the Shipper or its Agent, and the AWB has been reviewed and signed by the Shipper, except with proof to the contrary, We shall be deemed to have acted on behalf of the Shipper. The AWB so completed shall not become effective unless it is signed or stamped by us and the Shipper.

5.4 Subject to our regulations if applicable, the AWB may be made out and stored in electronic form and signed by electronic signature. Upon handing over or acceptance of the Cargo, the hard copy of the electronic AWB must be available.

5.5 AWBs which have been altered or erased by the Shipper may be rejected.

5.6 When the Consigned Cargo consists of more than one package, separate AWBs may be required based on the nature of the Cargo or safety requirements.

5.7 The Shipper shall indicate clearly on the AWB for any obvious defectiveness of the package. Upon the Shipper’s failure to do so, We may require the Shipper to remark on the AWB about such defectiveness or to authorize us to modify or remark on the AWB. If the AWB tendered with the Cargo does not specify all the required particulars or the specifications are not correct, we (without being obliged to do so) may have the authorization of the Shipper to complete or alterate the AWB to the extent possible.

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