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1.1 “THE CONDITIONS” refer to “General Conditions of International Carriage for Cargo of Air China Cargo Company Limited”. Except as the context otherwise requires, the terms as used in the Conditions shall have the following meanings:

1.2 “CARRIER” means the air carrier who issues the Air Waybill and specifies its airline code on the Air Waybill and any person or organization that undertakes to perform any other services related to such carriage, including Our Company.

1.3 "WE" and "OUR COMPANY" refers to Air China Cargo Company Limited. “US” and "OUR" shall be construed accordingly.

1.4 “CARGO” means any ?item carried or to be carried in an aircraft, including baggage carried under an Air Waybill or Shipment Record, but not including mails or baggage carried under a Passenger Ticket and Baggage Check.

1.5 “CONSIGNED CARGO” means the cargo held by the Carrier, of which the contract of carriage has been established.

1.6 “INTERNATIONAL CARRIAGE” means, except as otherwise provided in the Conventions, the carriage in which, according to the contract of carriage, the place of departure, the place of destination or the agreed stopover, whether or not there is a break or a transfer in the course of carriage, is not situated within the territory of the same country.

1.7 “AGREED STOPOVER” means, except for the place of departure and destination, the agreed place of stopover in the course of carriage as provided in the Air Waybill or our timetable or the contract of carriage.

1.8 “SHIPPER’S LETTER OF INSTRUCTION (SLI) ” means the written documents provided by the Shipper for the Carrier to prepare an air waybill on behalf of the Shipper.

1.9 “AIR WAYBILL” (hereinafter referred to as “AWB”) means the document entitled “Air Waybill” which is completed by or on behalf of the Shipper and which serves as the initial evidence for the contract between the Shipper and the Carrier(s) for carriage of the Cargo over the routes of the Carrier.

1.10 "A CONSIGNMENT” means one or more pieces of Cargo accepted by the Carrier under a single AWB, for carriage to one consignee at one destination.

1.11 “ISSUING CARRIER” means the Carrier who issues its Air Waybill and establishes the contract for carriage of the Cargo with the Shipper.

1.12 “ACTUAL CARRIER” means the Carrier who performs the entire or partial carriage under the authorization of the Issuing Carrier.

1.13 “CONVENTIONS” means the following applicable instruments:

-the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air, signed at Warsaw on 12 October 1929 (hereinafter referred to as the “Warsaw Convention”);

- the Protocol to amend Warwaw Convention signed at Hague on 28 September 1955 (hereinafter referred to as the “Hague Protocol”);

- the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air; done at Montreal on 28 May 1999 (hereinafter referred to as the “Montreal Convention”).

1.14 “AGENT” means the person or organization expressly authorized to act for or on behalf of the Carrier or the Shipper in relation to the carriage of the Cargo.

1.15 “SHIPPER” means the person or organization whose name appears on the AWB, as the party contracting with the Carrier for carriage of the Cargo.

1.16 “CONSIGNEE” means the person or organization whose name appears on the AWB, as the party to whom the Cargo is to be delivered by the Carrier.

1.17 “SPECIAL CARGO” means the Cargo which needs special attention in course of its acceptance, storage, transport and delivery due to its nature, value or other conditions.

1.18 “SHIPMENT RECORD” means any record of the contract of carriage preserved by the Carrier, evidenced by means other than an AWB.

1.19 “TARIFF” means the rates for carriage of the Cargo from the airport of departure to the airport of destination, as published by the Carrier and in effect on the date of the execution of the contract of carriage by the Shipper and the Carrier, or as agreed between the contracting parties.

1.20 “FREIGHT CHARGES” mean the amounts to be paid by the Shipper or the Consignee and/or its Agent to the Carrier when the Cargo is consigned to the Carrier or delivered to the Consignee, including freight charges and other charges.

1.21 “GROSS WEIGHT” means the weight of the Cargo measured by an officially authorized weighing device, including the weight of the package and platform.

1.22 “VOLUME WEIGHT” means the weight of the Cargo calculated by the conversion of the volume of the Cargo. According to IATA rules, 6000 cubic centimeters equals 1 kilogram.

1.23 “INTERNATIONAL AIR TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION” abbreviated as “IATA”, means a non-governmental international organization constituted voluntarily by a group of enterprises in the world conducting air transportation business.

1.24 “CHARGEABLE WEIGHT” means the weight on the basis of which Freight Charges are calculated. The Chargeable Weight is generally the actual Gross Weight or Volume Weight of the Cargo, whichever is higher, provided that where a lower Tariff for a higher minimum weight applies, the higher minimum weight shall be retained as the Chargeable Weight.

1.25 “PREPAID” means that the Shipper pays the Carrier all the charges in relation to carriage of the Cargo when tendering the Cargo in accordance with the contract of carriage.

1.26 “COLLECT” means that the Consignee pays the Carrier all the charges in relation to carriage of the Cargo when picking up the Cargo in accordance with the contract of carriage.

1.27 “CHARTER CARRIAGE” means that the Shipper hires the entire capacity of the Carrier’s aircraft for the carriage of the Cargo.

1.28 “SPECIAL DRAWING RIGHT”, also named “Paper Gold”, means a reserve asset and a unit of account, as defined by the International Monetary Fund (hereinafter referred to as “SDR”).

1.29 “TACT” means the Air Cargo Tariff Manual published by IATA containing the Tariff for carriage over the worldwide sectors.

1.30 “force majeure” means the objective circumstances, which are abnormal, unforeseen, uncontrollable, and unconquerable.

1.31 “DAMAGE” means the loss arising from the destruction or loss of, or damage to the Consigned Cargo in the course of Carriage.

1.32 “COURSE OF CARRIAGE” means the period after the consigning and prior to the delivery of the Cargo when the Consigned Cargo is in the custody of the Carrier.

1.33 “AFTER CONSIGNING” means that the AWB is issued with signatures of both the Shipper and the Carrier, and the Consigned Cargo is tendered to the Carrier.

1.34 “DELIVERY OF CARGO” means that the Consignee signs on the AWB upon acceptance of the Cargo and the Carrier delivers the Cargo to the Consignee.

1.35 “LAWS AND REGULATIONS” mean laws, regulations of any country and rules, orders of any administrative authorities of any country where the Cargo is flown from, to or over and the relevant regulations of the Carrier.

1.36 “SUCCESSIVE CARRIAGE” means the carriage performed as a unified and unseverable service based on a unified contract or several contracts of carriage(s) by several carriers.

1.37 “CODE-SHARING” means the use of a flight number by a non-operating carrier concurrent with the flight number of the operating carrier performing the carriage.

1.38 “DAYS” mean full calendar days, including Sundays and legal public holidays; upon establishment of a term of validity, the day of issuance of the carriage document, the day of flight departure or the day of sending the notice shall not be counted.


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