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2.1 Basis

The Conditions are established on the basis of Laws and Regulations of the People’s Republic of China and the international conventions or bilateral agreements and protocols approved by Chinese Aviation authority.

2.2? Scope of Application

2.2.1 The Conditions shall apply to the International Carriage of the Cargo, including all services incidental thereto, performed by Our Company. In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions involved in the Conditions and the applicable laws or our Tariff rules, the latter shall prevail. The remaining provisions of the Conditions shall remain effective.

2.2.2 Except as otherwise provided, the Conditions also apply to the air carriage of the Cargo between the mainland of China and Hong Kong SAR or Macao SAR.

2.2.3 Unless the contract of gratuitous carriage excludes the applicability of all or any part of the Conditions, the Conditions shall apply to the gratuitous carriage approved by Air China Cargo Company Limited.

2.2.4 With respect to the carriage of the Cargo performed pursuant to a charter agreement, the carriage conditions in the charter agreement shall be observed. The provisions of the Conditions shall only apply to the extent as not provided in said charter agreement.

2.2.5 Except as otherwise agreed, in case of any divergence between the Conditions and the provisions contained in our regulations of carriage for the Cargo, the Conditions shall prevail.

2.2.6 Over some flight routes, we performed cargo carriage through “Code-Sharing flight” or other carriers’ flight with the authorization, which means even if the Shipper has booked our flight and our AWB has been issued, the consigned Cargo may be transported by another carrier. In this case, the provisions of the Conditions shall apply likewise.

2.2.7 For the carriage of air mails, the conventions and treaties between the governments, if any, shall be observed and the Conditions shall not apply.

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